Aliens are Coming
This topic aliens are coming deals with number of cases where majority of scientists haven't ruled out the idea of having an alien population in some part of the world but the problem is we don't have any true evidence in response to this thing and we cannot claim any true information related to that. There are tons of theories which points out to "Alien Abduction" but none of them gives a clearer picture and the most famous theory which corresponds to an alien abduction did took place in between 1947 to 1969 during Cold War Era between United States and Soviet Union during which 12000 sightings were reported and eventually Area 51 has been named in response to UFO sightings and the interesting point to that truth is not been revealed and many speculations even suggested that American Forces did capture some "Alien Species" from Ground Zero to their own backyard and this is the reason they call this are as Area 51.
Now one of the most superficial things related to Aliens and Spaceship is that the incoming signals from an outer space is really hard to define because wherever the alien world is it is dramatically full of mysterious and those specific mysteries are inter-related to Ultra Dimensional World which is definitely known to us but have seen or witnessed that in movies. Most spectacular things which mostly happened is the enormous sightings of UFO and hence what we believe is that this kind of apocalyptic thinking will definitely gives us an understanding of how well we are prepared to tackle any kind of alien activity or an invasion and how would we be transforming our day to day lives in accordance to that.